Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dorado Films Screeners Project - DVD+Rs

We are rolling out DVD+Rs of the Screeners we released last year.  A portion of the proceeds from these sales will go towards a higher quality release.  Once we reach a specific milestone of income we will "graduate" the film to a proper commercial release.

  • The DVD+Rs contain the same watermark you see on the YouTube videos so as to discourage illegal distribution.
  • The DVD+Rs are identical to what you see on YouTube except that they are "uncensored" (no content restrictions on DVD+Rs, unlike on YouTube)
  • We cannot accept returns for DVD+Rs, contact us if you receive a damaged DVD+R and we will let you know how to proceed to resolve that issue.
We will be releasing the rest of last year's Screeners onto DVD+R in the coming weeks.  Shipping might be delayed a bit at first while we iron out all wrinkles in producing these cost effectively.
Shoot us an email, comment here, on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter if you have any questions.  We will update this post with answers to common questions.


  1. Great idea, of course I hope the first commercial upgrade will be Argoman! :)

  2. just out of curiosity, how many discs of the "oregon edition" did you press? Sounds like a very limited release!

  3. Hey The Gambler, we pressed 1,000. And yes, we will not press any more of this release. We are likely not going to put the same extras on the second release (when we sell the "Oregon Edition" out). We are moving on to other projects while the "Oregon Edition" hopefully sells out. That would give us the funding to stamp another batch and that batch will be available via other retail outlets. We have focused on getting this release into Oregon retail stores and for those online who want it.
    Good question by the way.
